The Comely Widow by John Enrique Thompson
John Enrique Thompson is a Lecturer in Fine Arts specializing in Graphic Design at Indiana University South Bend. A lifelong Michiana resident and veteran of the United States Army, John has worked as an illustrator, comic artist, graphic designer, and web designer for over thirty years. He has had worked published in National Lampoon, 24- Hour Comic Book Comics, Seattle Scroll, and many other national and international publications. He has exhibited painting, illustration, sculpture, and digital art regionally, nationally, and internationally and continues to work as an artist and cartoonist in addition to being an educator.
"This work is the fruit of over three-years of research of both the crimes of Belle Gunness as well as the history of comic strips, comic books, and cartoons. It reflects my interest in history, true crime, and graphic literature. The story is true, at least as close as the truth as I could find, and in the dramatization of the work, there are rare instances I have changed something for dramatic effect or for clarity. When I have done so, I have made it clear in the notes following this work. In the notes I have documented not only the sources of the story but also the origins of the characters representing the people in the story. I am a big believer in giving credit where credit is due and I also hope you will learn something about the history of comic strips, comic books, and cartoon characters in addition to the true crime side of this work."
From the Forward
John Enrique Thompson