PAN-O-PLY Gallery by Tim Richardson
Argyle Spiderwack's Magical Field Guide to the Ridiculous World Around You
A lovingly irreverent parody of the best-selling Spiderwick Chronicles.
The PAN-O-PLY Gallery focuses on one artists work around a common theme. This quater we feature the imagination of Tim Richardson. The PAN-O-PLY Gallery follows an artist through a single theme or style as an expression of their art. Tim Richardson wears many hats and has his creativity in multiple projects; Richardson Productions LLC, Owner, Mid America Filmmakers, VP & Marketing Chair, and River Bend Film Festival, Founder. Richardson kindly allowed us to share excerpts from his book.
Tim Richardson is a lover of parody, I was raised by "Weird Al", Mad Magazine, Mel Brooks, SNL and the Dr. Demento Show. I used to create illustrated parody magazines in school, perform song spoofs, and eventually parody films. Some of our more recent movies include "The Dork of the Rings", "Harvey Putter and the Ridiculous Premise", "The Throbbit", "Vulassic Park", and the upcoming "Dr. Spiderwack's Mind-boggling Compendium of Fantastic Urban Beasts" due out in 2022. I also enjoy photography, acting, caricature drawing, and my day job teaching media production.
Tim Richardson