Joe Michalski February 2024 Guest Artist
In the liminal space between wakefulness and sleep lies a realm of boundless creativity known as hypnagogia. In this hallowed space, the imagination awakens, giving birth to visions that dance across the canvas of the mind.
Feather Bed
The work emerged during my Dad's battle with pancreatic cancer during 2020-2021. I remember asking him what his dreams were like a few days before he died, to which he replied, "Spooky." It felt like a part of me was also fading along with him for a while. Making art was the only true way to deal with the weight of the experience. We lost him on August 10, 2021.
As time passed, I became certain that my Dad's spirit was expressed through my heart and hand and onto the paper. I wanted to understand what he saw while falling asleep during those last few moments.
Luminous Dust
I don't plan what I draw. I discovered the less thinking I do, the better. Doing this allows me to get more comfortable with trusting my intuition while learning to work with mistakes as we would in life.
Return to Breath
Art gives me purpose. I desire to share this with others in hopes that it can be a catalyst for their own healing. For me, I found that the meaning of life is to live a life of meaning. To discover the beauty of truth in all life experiences, whether positive or negative. Knowing that challenges or triumphs can be what we need to get further along in our story. Author and psychologist David R. Hawkins writes:
"Hang on to your confusion. In the end, it's your best friend."
The Spark Within You
Timeless Vision
Joe Michalski