Art of Tea Laura Hollister
“I am more interested in the experience around the tea, than the actual beverage in the cup,” says Hollister. “There is a cultural phenomenon around drinking tea. It is civilized in world that did not seem very civilized anymore.”
by Dan Breen
A visit to Apothica Teas in Niles Michigan is worth your trip if only to turn the Tea Pot Prognosticator. It is an olfactory playground intended to help choose your tea. A machine mounted on the counter with a handle you crank turning test tubs in opposing directions. Each test tub holds one of Apothecia’s ninety teas sourced from around the word. As you stop cranking you will arrive at a new pleasure. Laura Hollister wants you to have an experience at Apothecia Tea.
That is not all! Still having difficulty selecting your tea out of the ninety? Roll some dice to select your tea at a special price and experience SerndipiTea. Apothica is the magical and unexpected world you experience from the ever-changing storefront, the selection of art, ceramic mugs, Shakespeare readings, delectable food, locally created companion chocolates all orchestrated and arranged by the energetic, enthusiastic mistress of ceremonies Laura Hollister.
“I am more interested in the experience around the tea, than the actual beverage in the cup,” says Hollister. “There is a cultural phenomenon around drinking tea. It is civilized in world that did not seem very civilized anymore.”
photo by Tim Ritter
Apothica Teas opened in downtown Niles, Michigan November 2019 months before the onset of the COVID pandemic. Hollister explains getting ready to open the tea shop was like pushing a bus to the top of a hill. Preparation for opening Apothica included her entire family, and as often is resources to open a business were tapped deep. Just as the shop opened they crested the top of the hill, the pandemic slammed the breaks, and everyone was shockingly pushed to the front of the bus. “COVID hit me hard.” Hollister describes months of being ill and having to plan trips to the kitchen. “As the author of this little world, these types of things were not supposed to get in, I suppose COVID was big enough, it was going to squish whatever was in front of it”
Laura Hollister’s Apothica Teas is founded on a sense of building community and the creativity that can born out of that community. “Apothica Teas is an avenue for communication, culture and community outreach.” Hollister worked the Niles Public library as a community outreach specialist. She has a special connection to people with disabilities. She is committed that 50% of the people she employs has a disability. She is committed to accommodating their needs. She was successful at the library creating community and helping to build bridges through programs. When the job came to an end, her husband Shane said, “You know that tea shop you have been dreaming of? Let’s do a business plan and see if it is possible.”
Hollister explains entering Apothica is like reading a good book. You suspend your imagination and become lost in the experience. Hollister purposefully keeps things changing so customers continually have a new experience as they come into tea. The shop was never meant to be static. “We need to interact with the world differently. This is a place where you can be yourself in an unrushed manner. You can have a conversation here. Apothica is here to serve the customer who is craving that experience.”
Apothica is specifically designed to limit the impact to the environment. You will find little plastic or disposable ware in the tea house. After you order your tea, you proceed to the teacup cabinet to select your teacup. “I wanted a place that served on actual China.” Hollister explains one cup in the collection is a hand painted teacup worth hundreds of dollars. It was donated to the tea house so people could feel what it is like to hold a truly unique teacup. “I want people to experience something beautiful. Different from their everyday life. I want the nothing about the shop to be ordinary. I want you to feel you are in a different place, outside of your worries.” Request a yellow rose at your table when you are dining at Apothica let others know you are open for conversation and meeting people. On a date or in the mood for privacy? Request a purple thistle, people know you prefer to enjoy your tea without interruption.
The Tea Compendium is the menu of teas available for your delight at Apothica. What is a Compendium? A perfect description of the selection and function of the tea menu. We challenge you to look up the word and view the menu. See if you agree.
Hollister looks to buy teas from the highest quality producers. She aims to buy teas from small business, and businesses that have a good story. The Nepal Tea Apothica carries works to raise the living standards of tea farmers, fights discrimination and create sustainable villages.
This is where Haley Crowley comes in to play. She recently came to work at Apothica after moving from Chicago area. Crowley worked at the tea shop that inspired Hollister. Crowley is studying to become a tea sommelier, and says Hollister, has a refined pallet able to appreciate the finer details of a tea flavor. Crowley is carefully working through the Compendium improving the tea selection, quality and flavor.
You might try tea #6 from TeaSwan a small company from India where only two people work producing seven high quality teas. Hollister looks for these niche spots where small businesses produce a flash of brilliance. The Tea Source knows her by name and provides Apothica with a wide variety of teas. Hollister hopes one day the majority of her teas will be sourced from small farming business. “Haley can help us to discover the great stories of tea, and ensure we receive the highest quality tea for our customer.”
Steeped into Apothica’s mission statement is cooperation with local business and artists. Veni’s Sweet Shop two doors down creates decadent bon bons with teas from Apothica. Hollister also works with Lavender Hill Farms. Iron Shoe Distillery makes a boozy chai in the cooler months of the year with tea from Apothica. You will find on her walls a changing canvas of artists. Adorning her shelves are mugs made from local potters, coffees brewed locally and steampunk hats from a local millinery. “I love community engagement. There are so many cool businesses in Niles. We deliberately look for partnerships in the community.”